Adobe Analytics
Adobe CJA
Adobe JO
Adobe Target
Adobe Launch
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
Adobe Workfront
Adobe Fusion
análisis web
implementaciones de Adobe Analytics
integraciones de Adobe Tools
Adobe Target
Adobe Launch
Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Workfront
Adobe Cloud
pruebas y aseguramiento de calidad
capacidades de resolución de problemas
atención al detalle
habilidades de comunicación
Career plan and real growth opportunities
Unlimited access to LinkedIn learning solutions
International Mobility Plan within 25 countries
Constant training, mentoring, online corporate courses, eLearning and more
English classes with a certified teacher
Support for employee’s initiatives (Algorithms club, toastmasters, agile club and more)
Enjoyable working environment (Gaming room, napping area, amenities, events, sport teams and more)
Flexible work schedule and dress code
Collaborate in a multicultural environment and share best practices from around the globe
Hired directly by EPAM & 100% under payroll
Law benefits (IMSS, INFONAVIT, 25% vacation bonus)
Major medical expenses insurance: Life, Major medical expenses with dental & visual coverage (for the employee and direct family members)
13 % employee savings fund, capped to the law limit
Grocery coupons
30 days December bonus
Employee Stock Purchase Plan
12 vacations days plus 4 floating days
Official Mexican holidays, plus 5 extra holidays (Maundry Thursday and Friday, November 2nd, December 24th & 31st)
Monthly non-taxable amount for the electricity and internet bills